September 1, 2016
September 22, 2016
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beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause

beauty fashion style Naznin suhaer fashion blogger hyderabad I Dress for the Applause


Photos captured on Leeco Le2 by Me


I’ve always been a big admirer of nature and capturing it’s beauty is something I absolutely relish. In today’s world, where one is stuck in the crazy hustle of life, I feel an extreme need to take a deep breath and connect with myself time and again.  And at times, looking at calming pictures is therapeutic.


 As a freelancer who always needs to be on their toes, researching, creating and exploring, things can get extremely overwhelming, leading to anxiety and stress. I recently came across this article about ways to be a happier and more efficient individual and would recommend you all to give it a read for the tips are very helpful. Especially, checking emails first thing in the morning is something I’ve been very guilty of.


Signing off with a note to self – Keep calm and float.




  1. Merima says:

    Incredible photos and amazing places.
    Would you like to follow me back?

  2. Beautiful pictures! Nice blog you have!


  3. Shannon says:

    These photos feel so nostalgic to me. Almost as if they are from my own memories. You have such a good eye for taking pictures.


  4. Mercy says:

    Interesting photos, I agree we need to breathe-in and just appreciate the beauty of nature.

  5. Margot says:

    Beautiful pictures !
    I love the nature atmosphere.

  6. These photos are incredible. And eerily calming. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Love, Lindsey

  7. Steal4Style says:

    So inspiring pics!! I absolutely understand you. I’m always searching for what’s going on out there, looking for inspiration and cool stuff. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  8. Amazing photos

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